Frequently Asked Questions
What are the hours of the school day?
KL International Kidsclub operate between the hours of 8:00 am and 3.00 pm.
Do I need an appointment to tour a school?
You are always welcome to drop by school – with or without your child – during our hours of operation for a visit. We recommend you call or schedule online for a tour.
Which curriculum does your school follow?
We follow International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) and and it is well integrated with Malaysia Ministry of Education’s aspiration for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education.
What is the teacher-to-child ratio?
A Ratio is 8 children per teacher in class. (1:4 children per teacher in class for below 3 years )
At what age do you accept children?
We do accept children from 18 months to 6 years old.
What age can i enroll my son/daughter at your school?
Our program currently starts at Toddler club for children aged 18 months.
Do you have options for children to come for two or three days per week?
Unfortunately, we do not provide the options for two or three days per week. This is due to the fact that irregularity will stall children’s development and create instability.
Is there any day-care service available after 3.00?
Unfortunately, no. We encourage students to spend time with family after 3.00 pm.
Do visitors need an appointment to view the school?
Yes, appointments are required in order to view the school. This allow us to serve you in the best manner possible and due to privacy and security reason.
Do children receive a report card?
We consistently communicate with parents regarding their children’s development. We provide parents with a progress report. Parents and teachers also get together six time a year for a formal conference; however, teachers are available every day to answer questions.
Do the children go on any field trips?
Yes. Field trips are scheduled monthly. All field trip destinations are appropriate for small children. We follow very strict procedures to ensure safety and security while your child’s class is out of the building.
Do you require parents to volunteer their time at school?
Parents are not required to volunteer at our school, but we do encourage parental involvement at the convenience of the parents.
What are mediums of communication between school and Parents?
We do communicate daily via journal writing. Ad-hoc communication are done via electronic medium such as What’s App , emails and iKEY Parents Apps
How does your school discipline children?
We do believe in positive approach, one to one problem solving, to develop children’s ability to regulate. Our teachers do not berate, embarrass, punish or with-hold food or activities to discipline children. We do not believe in corporal punishment.
Are all staff trained in CPR and first aid?
Our faculty are required to maintain and renew their CPR and first-aid training every year which is provided by St. John Ambulance of Malaysia.
Do you have a school nurse?
No, we do not have. However, our faculty are trained with CPR and basic first aid annually which is conducted by St. John Ambulance Malaysia.
Does KL International Kidsclub provide meals and snacks?
We provide one morning snack and one hot lunch daily. Meals are served family-style to help children learn good table manners, healthy eating habits and eat independently.
How do you deal with food allergies?
You are always welcome to bring dairy substitutes or other special food items for your child and we will happily accommodate. if your child has a diagnosed food allergy, school requires a letter from your doctor confirming the specific allergy and how to address an allergic reaction if one should occur.
What if my child is allergic to certain types of foods?
We require parents alert us to allergies for inclusion in the child’s medical file. Based on the prohibited foods, an allergy plan is created and the child’s teachers and Chef are alerted. When a food on a child’s prohibited list is served, the child receives a substitution. In addition to that, we serve halal and no beef diet with respect to our multiculturalism.